Use Software to Keep Track of EMS Equipment

As an EMS manager, you are in charge of many important things, including EMS equipment. In fact, keeping track of equipment is probably one of the most important things you do. While skills and training are crucial, without the right tools an emergency medical technician can’t do his or her job successfully. So how have […]

3 Reasons to Switch to Electronic Police Training Records

As someone familiar with law enforcement from experience, at MdE we know that keeping track of training can be a huge pain. There is training for recruits and training for in-service officers, each with different requirements to keep in mind. Then there are employees who miss training and need to make up for it. What[…..]

5 Police Technology Updates for Your Department

Does your police department embrace technology? Or are you still running it like it’s 1999? The chances are, you have adopted some technological advances to make your work more efficient, while other technologies didn’t make sense for you at the time. But the times have changed and police tech has evolved. Here are some of[…..]

Using Software to Streamline Correctional Officer Training

A correctional officer, whether or not he or she has direct contact with inmates, does a very important and stressful job. Sometimes it involves identifying a concealed weapon and disarming a person. Other times it’s about choosing the right inmate for a rehabilitation program to help them get a second chance in life. Either way,[…..]

Best Practices for Writing Police Employee Evaluations

As a law enforcement officer, you know that while the main focus of your job has to do with public safety, you can’t completely avoid the paperwork. It’s dull and routine, but as someone’s supervisor, you are expected to provide timely performance evaluations and other related reports. Do you often find yourself staring at a[…..]

3 Must-Have Types of Software for Fire Departments

Just like any other public safety agency, your fire department could probably benefit from upgrading to some specialized software to help manage things better. Some of your members may be resistant to change and may suffer from “computer phobia,” but even they will soon embrace technology after seeing how it can free up their time—trust[…..]

What Makes an Effective Field Training Program

Field training programs are crucial for every public safety agency, whether it’s police, corrections, juvenile detention or emergency responders. At MdE, Inc., we provide software for field training programs, and we have worked with numerous field training officers to help streamline their jobs and improve efficiency. Here are some of the elements we found to[…..]

Justifying Termination Requests During Field Training

As a Field Training Officer (FTO), you will be confronted with many challenges when evaluating trainees. Simply recommending advancement from one phase to the next requires justification through documentation. Recommending termination of a trainee can be one of the more difficult and challenging decisions a FTO will face. Lawsuits based on “wrongful termination” are rather[…..]

Managing Employee Performance With Software for EMS

  There are many different types of software employees working in fire and rescue or emergency medical services interact with on a daily basis. There is software for time cards and shifts, dispatch, patient care reporting, inventory, and so on. All of these tools allow emergency responders to do their work fast and efficiently. But[…..]

MdE, Inc. Attends National Police Week in Washington, DC

National Police Week is a half-a-century-old tradition established to honor police officers who died in the line of duty. Since President John F. Kennedy designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day back in 1962, tens of thousands of law enforcement officers and their supporters gather annually in Washington, DC. The staff of MdE, Inc. is[…..]