Public safety officers use a wide variety of gear in order to do their job in keeping the public safe. Some of this equipment is used specifically to keep the officers themselves safe and unharmed so that they may carry out their duties successfully. MdE, Inc. is happy to offer asset tracking software to assist […]
After hiring new recruits to work in the public safety sector, individual evaluation is essential. Effective evaluation allows you to form a professional team operating at peak efficiencies. Most all new recruits go through intense training in their first couple weeks (or months). During this time their performance is evaluated regularly (if not daily) to[…..]
As an EMS manager, you are in charge of many important things, including EMS equipment. In fact, keeping track of equipment is probably one of the most important things you do. While skills and training are crucial, without the right tools an emergency medical technician can’t do his or her job successfully. So how have[…..]