3 Reasons to Switch to Electronic Police Training Records

As someone familiar with law enforcement from experience, at MdE we know that keeping track of training can be a huge pain. There is training for recruits and training for in-service officers, each with different requirements to keep in mind. Then there are employees who miss training and need to make up for it. What […]

5 Police Technology Updates for Your Department

Does your police department embrace technology? Or are you still running it like it’s 1999? The chances are, you have adopted some technological advances to make your work more efficient, while other technologies didn’t make sense for you at the time. But the times have changed and police tech has evolved. Here are some of[…..]

Best Practices for Writing Police Employee Evaluations

As a law enforcement officer, you know that while the main focus of your job has to do with public safety, you can’t completely avoid the paperwork. It’s dull and routine, but as someone’s supervisor, you are expected to provide timely performance evaluations and other related reports. Do you often find yourself staring at a[…..]

4 Types of Must-Have Software for Police Departments

Over the years of working in law enforcement, you’ve probably noticed how increasingly important technology is in your line of duty. Computers, internet and electronic record-keeping make the information more organized, easily accessible and, most importantly, help you do your work faster! In case your police department is still relying on paperwork in some areas,[…..]

Difference Between FTO and PTO

All police departments utilize some sort of a training program for new recruits because, let’s face it, 20 months in a police academy is not the same as real-life police duty. There are two main types of recruit training programs used in the U.S.: FTO and PTO. The FTO (Field Training Officer) model has been[…..]