Public safety officers use a wide variety of gear in order to do their job in keeping the public safe. Some of this equipment is used specifically to keep the officers themselves safe and unharmed so that they may carry out their duties successfully. MdE, Inc. is happy to offer asset tracking software to assist […]
Communication centers are at the heart of the dispatching process and their accuracy and efficiency must be their highest priority. Here’s how they can do their job more efficiently and save lives with reliable dispatch software.
In the public safety industry, efficiency is vital. Your department can easily help employees improve efficiency by providing the most up-to-date public safety software solutions. Just as efficient employees are critical in effectively serving the public, a user-friendly, customizable software system is essential in improving effectiveness for any public-safety agency. Accurate Reporting What’s the point[…..]
Working in the emergency medical services (EMS) field can prove to be quite stressful. At MdE, Inc. our EMS software solutions ease some of that daily stress by automating many tasks currently performed using spreadsheets or paper. This article provides an overview of MdE’s modular software solutions, saving time and energy for the busy Emergency[…..]
Does your police department embrace technology? Or are you still running it like it’s 1999? The chances are, you have adopted some technological advances to make your work more efficient, while other technologies didn’t make sense for you at the time. But the times have changed and police tech has evolved. Here are some of[…..]