When hiring new recruits to work in the public safety sector, individual evaluation is essential. Effective evaluation allows you to form a professional team operating at peak efficiencies. Most all new recruits go through intense training in their first couple weeks (or months).
During this time their performance is evaluated regularly (if not daily) to ensure they are fully capable of performing the critical tasks the job demands. Having worked with public safety in every state nationwide, with our software solutions for public safety, we’re able to share some of the criteria often used when evaluating new recruits.
RED Flags in Evaluation
Noticing the following things during a new hire’s evaluation period can provide subtle hints they may not be cut out for the job:
- Not maintaining composure in stressful or emergency situations
- Inability or unwillingness to coordinate efforts with other officers on-scene
- Failure to identify and interview all potential witnesses
- Engaging in distracting activity while driving (i.e. cell phone use)
- Non-compliance with driving laws
- Not limiting radio transmissions to only that which is necessary
- Disrespect to fellow officers or public citizens
- Inability to adapt appropriately to a change in procedures
- Untidy appearance or unkempt uniform
- Inability to keep assigned equipment clean and in order
GREEN Flags in Evaluation
Noticing the following things during a new hire’s evaluation period could signify a new recruit is likely a good fit for their position:
- Continuous awareness of their environment
- Immediate recognition and protection of pertinent evidence
- Use of common sense and sound decision-making skills
- Ability to conduct interrogations within legal constraints
- Effectiveness in interviewing using varying techniques
- A willingness to accept feedback and the ability to use it as a learning tool by applying it to future situations
- Consistent attentiveness to radio
- Effective use of verbal communication skills in order to prevent or deescalate confrontations
- Seeking out of leadership roles when appropriate
- Maintaining a high standard of personal performance
- Ability to utilize helpful resources and alternative solutions when needed to address problems
- Strong sense of personal responsibility
- Works to maintain the public’s trust
MdE, Inc. are experts in the development of performance evaluation software to help our public safety professionals track training. Our recruit evaluation software is designed to simplify evaluating new hires so that high-quality service from public safety personnel can be better guaranteed. Contact us today for more information on the software we have to offer.