Maintaining an Effective Training Program

An effective training program is essential for keeping staff at the top of their game. If the training program is not constantly evolving, how can your department remain at the forefront of the industry?

Why Training is so Important

Proper training is paramount to the success of any organization or department. Whether someone has over twenty years of experience or none, training should begin the moment they are hired and continue throughout their employment.
A standard training program is important for minimizing liability and insurance costs.

Tracking Progress

When it comes to an effective training program, one key is the ability to effectively track each employee’s progress and ensure that each and every employee receives training in the correct and proper procedures of your department.
The ability to update training records is key for a variety of training whether the training is provided in a classroom environment, on-line or at an outside location.
Additionally, a great service-industry training software allows users to easily monitor requirements, certifications, qualifications and overall training such as firearms qualifications, diversity workshops, sexual harassment, CPR, etc. to ensure employees meet/conform to your department, State and Federal requirements.

Training the Trainers

In addition to proper and consistent training for employees, instructors who are training employees need ongoing training to stay efficient and effective. To maintain an effective training program, it’s strongly recommended that trainers also attend training programs off-site or with different instructors. Tracking this training along with each instructor’s training hours is paramount to ensuring that instructor certifications are up-to-date.

Collecting Feedback

Feedback on the training program is a great way to determine not only the overall effectiveness, but also how well the training is received by the trainees. Obviously, you want your trainees to learn something valuable from the training; but you also want them to enjoy it and look forward to future training. Along these lines, it’s vital to take the feedback and use it to improve future training programs and increase overall effectiveness.
For help with developing and maintaining an effective service-industry training program, get in touch with MdE, Inc today. MdE is the industry’s leading provider of training solutions and software for the public safety sector. For a free consultation, give MdE a call at 1-877-500-5396 or visit our website at today!