Igniting Freedom: Celebrating Independence on the Fourth of July

Honoring Independence and Public Safety The Fourth of July holds a special place in the hearts of all Americans. It’s a time when we can come together and commemorate the beginning of our nation and reflect on the principles of freedom, liberty, and independence. Other than the festivities, this day also highlights the crucial role […]

Empowering Law Enforcement: A Collaborative Journey towards Excellence

We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for those who attended the recent Users’ Group event hosted by MdE, Inc. in Waterford Township, MI. It was truly a collaborative journey towards excellence in public safety and law enforcement. The event brought together first responders and law enforcement professionals from various agencies,[…..]

Embracing Unity: A Weekend at the Police Unity Tour

To serve and protect. Words that are well known around the United States, but what and who do they represent? As a citizen, those words meant nothing more than seeing a police officer standing on the corner of an intersection simply “observing” the area they were assigned to. “My tax dollars are going towards this?”[…..]


Aspiring First Responders need to undergo rigorous testing to ensure they have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve and protect their community. Testing helps to evaluate their competency in law, policies, and procedures, ethical behavior, and physical abilities. It also prepares them for real-life situations and reduces the risk of liability for their[…..]

Customer Service and Software

Whether your team is working to protect the public, or they are providing community services, software is the key to any modern organization. Without reliable software, police, fire, and emergency medical services wouldn’t be able to keep up with the demands of the job. However, even trusted software needs a human touch from time to[…..]

One Size Does Not Fit All For Your Team

One Size Does Not Fit All for Your Team When it comes to finding the right software for your public safety team, there are a lot of options. Even a simple Google search can return hundreds of thousands of results. With so many software companies to partner with, how can you know which one will[…..]