When you approach public safety work of any kind, you need to ensure that you’re meeting the standards of your commanding officers, the state, and the public that you serve. However, meeting those needs isn’t always as simple as answering their calls and addressing their concerns. Fulfilling the promise to protect and serve requires many moving parts and ADORE™ is one way to help make that happen.
What is ADORE™?
he letters stand for AutomateD Observation Reports and Evaluations. What this software does is help you cut down on time and energy when it comes time to put together your observation reports and various training documentation needed for the FTO/PTO program. Along with speeding the process along, you can also benefit from having your documents stored digitally in a wide variety of ways.
Why Invest in Digital Documents?
If you’ve been working with paper for decades, then why should you make the switch to digital now? Imagine sitting at your desk in the morning with a hot cup of coffee. Your elbow bumps the desk and you spill your coffee. You may have just destroyed years worth of documentation and files in less than a second. The benefit of digital documents is they’re stored securely within the cloud, which means that they will be safe even if your computer crashes. Not to mention the fact that they can be shared simply and combined with other applications.
How Will Operations Change?
Communicating freely throughout your department is one of the most important keys to your success. When you invest in an online software like ADORE™, you will be able to communicate much faster and more efficiently than when you were manually carrying documents from trainer to trainer. . You can even sign documents electronically, which means that paperwork will move faster through the process. How will operations change? They’ll get better for everyone.
MdE, Inc. is Your Home for ADORE™ and More!
If you’re looking to bring your department into the 21st century then it’s time to talk to MdE, Inc. We’re ready to tackle the specific needs of your department whether you’re in law enforcement, communications, EMS, or anywhere in between. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.