Revealing Technological Breakthroughs: How Innovative SWAT Software Revolutionizes Law Enforcement

The Evolution of Police SWAT Software Imagine a time when SWAT teams mapped out high-stakes operations on chalkboards and communicated through radios. Fast forward to today, and you’ll find a scene straight from a sci-fi flick: specialized law enforcement training (and the software programs used to track it) have transformed tactical precision into an art […]

Field Training Software

Transforming Public Safety: The Crucial Role of Advanced Field Training Software Programs

In the dynamic landscape of public safety, where rapid and effective response can be a matter of life and death, the importance of robust field training software programs cannot be overstated. These software solutions play a pivotal role in enhancing the training and preparedness of public safety personnel, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle diverse[…..]

Empowering Law Enforcement: A Collaborative Journey towards Excellence

We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for those who attended the recent Users’ Group event hosted by MdE, Inc. in Waterford Township, MI. It was truly a collaborative journey towards excellence in public safety and law enforcement. The event brought together first responders and law enforcement professionals from various agencies,[…..]


Aspiring First Responders need to undergo rigorous testing to ensure they have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve and protect their community. Testing helps to evaluate their competency in law, policies, and procedures, ethical behavior, and physical abilities. It also prepares them for real-life situations and reduces the risk of liability for their[…..]

Customer Service and Software

Whether your team is working to protect the public, or they are providing community services, software is the key to any modern organization. Without reliable software, police, fire, and emergency medical services wouldn’t be able to keep up with the demands of the job. However, even trusted software needs a human touch from time to[…..]

One Size Does Not Fit All For Your Team

One Size Does Not Fit All for Your Team When it comes to finding the right software for your public safety team, there are a lot of options. Even a simple Google search can return hundreds of thousands of results. With so many software companies to partner with, how can you know which one will[…..]

National Telecommunicator Week

Putting Their Lives on the Phone Lines Prioritizing Our Nation With National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week the second week of April, it’s important to recognize everyone committing their lives to the cause in making the country a safer place. This week of recognition was originally created in 1981, as Patricia Anderson of the Contra Costa[…..]

Saving Employees with Performance Improvement Plans

Keeping up with expectations at any level of public safety can seem like an impossible task. Between long hours, high levels of stress, and any number of other factors, performance can start to decline. However, there are methods and solutions that you can employ to ensure your team is ready to meet the challenges of[…..]

Recording and Analyzing Data


As a Telecommunicator, you are familiar to technology, but do you take full advantage of it? Records management should be a top priority in running a smooth unit or facility and is essential to keeping employee and training information organized and optimized. Maintain Performance Records Could you say that all of your performance records are[…..]

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

The Department of Justice defines human trafficking as “a crime that involves exploiting a person for labor, services, or commercial sex” and is commonly referred to as “modern slavery”. Many think of human trafficking as transnational, when these heinous crimes are more often being committed right here in the United States. These horrendous acts continue[…..]