It’s vital to your agency to have access to the public safety software solutions they need to be successful in their critical roles, but accessibility is just the first step to getting the highest value out of this necessary tool. Utilizing software designed specifically for public safety personnel can help your department become more organized and efficient, but what if it could do more?
Even the best, industry-leading software can’t reach its true potential unless ongoing training is provided. When you equip your team with these systems and ensure all members know how to utilize them to their full capabilities, you can improve employee loyalty and better absorb the loss of key personnel.
Better Navigate Turnover in Key Personnel
When your agency loses key personnel, especially when the departure is abrupt or unexpected, it can be challenging to pick up where they left off. The person who takes over handling the key person’s responsibilities is often left in a state of chaos and frustration while trying to pick up the pieces and ensure your department runs as normal after a loss. Bridging the gap is essential, but many agencies find it easier said than done.
Introducing team members to these systems and getting them familiar with the purpose, functionality, and beneficial characteristics of each is essential. By providing ongoing software training that allows personnel to better report daily activities and data, you can maintain a peace of mind that an unexpected, abrupt loss of a key player won’t cripple your department.
Improve Employee Retention Through Ongoing Training
Losing key players in your agency can be dealt with more efficiently when you ensure all members are trained in using the software solutions you implement, but ongoing training can also help you better retain employees and avoid losses to begin with. As a manager, you want your department to be comprised of highly-skilled public safety specialists. On the same hand, your team members want a career that enables them to learn, grow, and receive opportunities to increase their value to your agency.
Accomplishing both is possible by implementing the right software in your department and ensuring all personnel know exactly how to utilize it to its fullest extent. If you’re concerned about the level of training you’re able to provide to your staff, you can use your vendor’s software experts as a helpful resource in getting a better understanding of the software’s capabilities and efficiently translating that knowledge to your team.
Need assistance in getting your department on board? MdE, Inc. is not just a software provider, but also a company dedicated to providing training solutions and promoting public safety. That’s why we offer training workshops designed to benefit all public safety industry teams. To learn more about our workshops, or to get further assistance with providing ongoing training to your department, call MdE, Inc. today at 1.877.500.5396.