Sharing Ideas (MdE’s Users Group)

Soliciting Feedback 

MdE was excited to host its Annual Users Group in person again.  Alongside Florida agency users and clients from outside the Sunshine state who were able to attend, the Marion County Emergency Operations Center was our host this May.  MdE was grateful to have an impressive venue to discuss training and the challenges of tracking training, a common concern for a lot of departments. It was nice to collaborate ideas and find solutions with state-of-the-art tools like MdE’s peACEqPro™ software suite.

As a company, we are continually soliciting feedback so we can then adapt our software according to the needs of those who use it. Without question, hearing from our customers and clients is one of our primary goals.


A lot of networking was accomplished, and departments from different parts of the nation were able to share training philosophies and techniques they currently utilize. Our aim was to also demonstrate the newest features coming to the PeACEqPROTM software and let users beta test them for ease of use and provide input for future changes.


MdE is already planning its next in person Users Group for later this year so be prepared to join us in (or around) October. Contact us at if your department would like to host an event, or would like to be notified when the next Users Group is scheduled.